zaterdag 4 juni 2016

Beef between Leafy and H3H3?

     Leafyishere vs H3H3Productions?!
        You know how Leafy makes fun of everyone in his videos? Yeah, a while ago he posted
            a video mocking a user on YouTube known as 'Tommync2010'. Now this user appears
            to be very confused and strange. But what turns out, this person actually has autism.
            After Leafy made his video about Tommy, Tommy responded with a video of his own
            where he expresses his feelings about his video. He also noted that many Leafy fans have
            come to his channel to hurt his feelings, mock him and even go as far as sending death
            threats. In this video Tommy appears to be crying. This video soon trended on reddit,
            and it didn't take long for H3H3Productions to make a video on this. He made a video
            called 'The Leafy Rant'. In this video he tells everyone the situation about Tommync2010
            and how he has autism.
            Leafy responds.
        Upon seeing H3H3's video, leafy uploaded a video of his own titled 'The H3H3 rant'.
            Now at this point Leafy started to get alot of hate, and he himself has noted that he thought
            it would be the end for him. But the hate eventually partially dissappeared.
            Follow for future posts!